Monday, June 8, 2009

The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" BUT

The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" but "What are you busy at?" "Are you doing what fulfills you?" Oprah Winfrey

Okay so I was really bad about posts for the month of May…… The Link Family has been busy! Here is a bit of a refresher as to what is new with us.

Memorial Day Weekend we went camping with a few friends and their kids to Lawson’s Landing at Dillon Beach. We went crabbing and caught Dungeness crab, ate fresh raw and bbq’d Oysters sold to us by the truck that visits from the nearby Oyster farm, dug up giant Clams and made campfire Manhattan Clam Chowder, went sledding down the sand dunes, flew kites and played in the sand. This was also Jake’s first camping trip! Although the beach is always a little chilly and windy we had a great time and I think camping suits us all well! Pics to follow soon!

Maddie’s last day of school was June 5th! My little Miss Maddie is now a bona fide 5th grader….. I have to say I am proud but not pleased; only because she is growing up too fast! During the last week of school Maddie was recognized for a tremendous effort during her last trimester to improve her grades. The teacher pulled her in front of the whole school to praise her! She received the Bug Award for her efforts to improve her grades which led to her 3.4 GPA Honor Roll Award! Way to Go Maditude! In addition, Maddie worked very hard throughout the year reading tons of books to meet her Accelerated Reading Goal which she surpassed! I knew she had it in her, Maddie is awesome. Last trimester her teacher and I buckled down on her after her grades slipped, she is too smart to be a C student! I am so proud that my girl is so smart and motivated!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh high drama, kicks, flips and chants…. Oh yes! The Bengal cheer season is upon us yet again. Although we did not participate last year, due to the pregnancy conflicting with competition (located in Sunny Florida), we have jumped back in feet first to the Bengal madness. This pregnancy will also conflict with our Bengal functions but thankfully our competitions (furthest would be Las Vegas) and games are much closer in distance since the Bengals joined a different regulating authority. I will be the team mom and will help to coach this year in any way I can. Many pictures and stories to come I am sure of it!

My pregnancy is going well. I think I have been pregnant so long that I barely even notice it. I am exhausted every day but I am so blessed I have nothing to complain about. We go in for our ultrasound on June 15th…… Will we be welcoming a boy or a girl? Stay tuned…….

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