Saturday, December 19, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

He's not looking at our efforts to get it right!

He's not looking at our efforts to get it right! It's all about His grace and His life working in and through us!

Faith I have, in myself, in humanity, in the worthwhileness of the pursuits in entertainment for the masses. But wide awake, not blind faith, moves me. My operations are based on experience, thoughtful observation and warm fellowship with my neighbors at home and around the world. ~ Walt Disney

It’s been a while since my last post to my blog… Most people (I Included) would say that there just wasn’t enough time in the day or that inspiration was to blame, but really… a glass of wine to wind down when the kids are snug in bed is just something that was more important that evening than reflecting on so many things that have gone on. To put these events into words, and saying they were “just short of exhausting” is an understatement. It really has been a roller coaster in the last couple of months. I left my job (temporarily) for yet another stint of maternity leave to have my newest daughter Ali; Jake began to walk and then run. Sure enough he has suffered some tumbles that resulted into crying and soothing by a sleep deprived mother with a newborn (not always the picture of patience). Maddie has grown into a preteen with emotional comments (not quite the sharp tongue of a teenager, but close). Jeff has gone on to grow a fruitful company with his Mom (fear of where the money will be is always there). Thankfully he is a great business sense; on top of that he is a wonderful provider and an amazing father as well. Their company has been a vision of what they wanted to experience both as an employee and as business owners. I have been enjoying staying home, caring for children and testing my cooking abilities. I’ve really gotten into cooking extravagant meals and new recipes I’ve never tried. In fact, over thanksgiving, I’ve focused on perfecting my pumpkin pie recipe and trying to cook “clean” (more organically, keeping to local produce and cooking with items that are in season to help minimize our carbon footprint). I have watched every episode of the 100 Mile Challenge and Emeril Green so that has been a fun little hobby. Plus it helps us maintain our healthy lifestyle and instills good palates for healthy foods for our kids. I never realized how much I love trying new foods! I am still full into coaching cheerleading which has been a fun Maddie and Mommy experience. We have been blessed much as a family.

To say we are blessed is AMAZING, praise the Lord! We are all healthy, we grow every day and more importantly we are growing as a family. With all of the chaos there is a silent morph into something Jeff and I have dreamt of. We are married, happily, even with the stresses of family that so often tear many couples apart. Even though we don’t get enough “alone” time, we are teammates and we revel in the few sweet moments we steal. Jeff and I have spent so much time talking and laughing with one another before our marriage, our careers and our kids I am thankful and I revel in the excitement of our reflection and togetherness.

Wow, Maddie is 10 years old and in 5th grade…. Just think about that. 5th grade? 10years old? Where the heck did the time go? She is my petite lil stunting, tumbling, firecracker that I never expected! Maddie is the most remarkable big sister too, she makes bottles, unloads and loads the dishwasher, plays with her brother while I am pulling my hair out wondering why I had two kids thirteen months apart…. Just kidding! Well sort of... The Madster is doing well in school too! She is a solid “B” student! I always say she is really good out of the gate but not much for stamina (if we do not keep her accountable)… We had a few hiccups but once I explained the importance of good grades and how proud it makes us when she excels, she perks right up and does better. I am so happy to have a good girl who likes positive attention rather than negative. In my experience some kiddos will looks for any attention to fill them and I am glad that Maddie has chosen positive as her motive for accolades. She is beautiful too and I am not being biased! She loves fashion, jewelry (she is quite the friendship bracelet maker) and doing her hair. She was playing with her hair-do’s the other day and accidentally got a comb stuck… yes Daddy had to cut it out (I was too busy freaking out about the situation to deal!); but on the bright side, Chrissy (my girlfriend) hooked Maddie up with some super cute bangs and now she has a whole new look. I must say that it fits her! Maddie is ultra busy with cheer too! Our squad got an invitation to compete at Nationals so we are Vegas bound at the end of January. Since Maddie is so petite she is the flyer (the girl that goes up in stunts) we are trying to perfect the full press (where the girls put her up above their head) and do a cradle (a difficult dismount) so we can compete at a higher level. In addition, Maddie is also an accomplished gymnast doing cartwheels and round offs throughout the routine. I can’t wait to video tape the event!

Jake… He is a big ole monster, monkey man with more energy and personality than I can put into words. He is also very shy in big groups (like his Daddy) and scared of loud noises (don’t know where that comes from!). Finally, he loves his little sister, did I say finally? Oh yes, the poor kid thought he was replaced for a bit. When Ali came home he liked her….NOT SO MUCH! There was a time that he bit my foot or any other exposed body part as I fed her. He would also creep around the recliner to scream wildly in her ear or sneak up and smack her delicate little head. I thought I was going to lose it! Here was my sweet baby boy and I had to discipline him. I was so sad to hurt his feelings (he is so sensitive) and put him in “time out” but in time he learned and now he kisses Ali and says MMMMM or Yum Yum Yum to which I say oh yes, isn’t she delicious? Jake agrees whole heartily. Jakey Poozle is quite the talker as well, his vocabulary is awesome! He says, Mama, Daddy, Maddie, Ali, Baby, Brother, Sister, Buddy, Buckaroo and Grandma. Granted Buckaroo is more like butt-a-roo and we are working on Grandma but it is cute none the less and I really enjoy teaching him new things. Speaking of new things I am not so much enjoying his carefree approach to new situations. He is not the cautious baby Maddie was! That boy will climb the couch like he just conquered Mt Everest and then leap from the top like he was sky diving… did I mention that I have wood floors and am usually feeding a new baby? Jake + Any Elevated Surface + Mama= Scary Situation! I have recently discovered Jungle Tots to which I say THANK THE LORD! This place is totally awesome, it’s a huge kid friendly jungle gym for toddlers and kids and let me just say when Jakers gets a bit of the cabin fever that’s where we are heading! He plays with other babes, climbs, jumps, slides and Maddie has just as much fun. I couldn’t ask for more! It’s my piece to resistance!

Ali… Ahhhh Ali Veronica Link. She is most likely my last baby, my sweet cuddler with a smile and appreciation for all that is around her. She loves staring at the voices that have brought her into this world. Ali is very responsive and inclined to develop much more quickly than her brother from what I can tell of her personality. She already smiles at your voice and has such cute facial expressions. She will follow your movements and totally stands if you give her the chance.

It’s funny how you feel guilty for not doting on a child as much as you would with one OR one separated by so many years (yes Jake is spoiled). Obviously I feel more emotionally connected to Jake than I did to Maddie at that age (due to my own social immaturity) and Jake has been a little spoiled because he was the ultra anticipated lover boy that I have always wanted. Ali came at a great time although I was scared of the quick labor I had with Jake and boy did Miss Ali come! 36 minutes after arriving at the hospital (we left at the moment I thought there was anything so much as resembling a contraction) we were on our way with little Ali! The girl was here before we even settled on a name! Even with that notice my mom missed the birth (thank you soooo much for taking care of placing the kids in good hands, I love you Madre!)! Ronnie made it thankfully so now each Mom made it to see at least one of her grandkids birth. Maddie was my mom (Maddie was named after my mom) Ali’s birth was witnessed by Jeff’s mom (Ali was named after Jeff’s mom) and Jake of course is just an immediate family affair (Mommy, Daddy and Maddie). So many meaningful celebrations!

I sit here reciting memories of my fond contentment reading to Jeff and Maddie for their input, they say that I have knack for writing and that I should write a book. I do love writing and maybe a book will grow from my adventures of parenthood but now I am satisfied of my accomplishment of where I have come and I am gratified in these simple pleasures. Especially with all of this excitement!

As I have said so many times throughout this blog post is that we are blessed! I pray that those that are reading are too! We are not the perfect family, we have our disagreements and the boat will always sway too and frow but we ride knowing that God has blown the wind in our sails and that no matter what we have one another. Be well, keep your loved ones in your thoughts and prayers and remember the Link’s will think and pray about your lives. We love you and Happy New Year!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Bengal Mania is in full force! Here is the video from Maddie's first Half Time Performance this year, hopefully we can get it cleaned up before competition so we can qualify for the national competition in VEGAS!!! NEW POST!!!! We made it to Nationals, here are some pics from our Marine World during October.....WIN!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey.

"Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived." (Played by Patrick Stewart, from the film "Star Trek: Generations)

Alright, so I am not what you would call a "treky". To tell you the truth, I don't even know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.... I was trying to find a good quote to sum up how I am feeling about time and stumbled upon this awesome quote or shall I say line from the movie Star Trek. I like it so much that I am sticking with it. Maybe I should rent Star Trek. Who knows maybe I am treky at heart?

Anyway! Time...It moves too fast these days to keep up with my blog. I am living a wonderful life and the memories I am making while failing to record them are worth the expense. While I wish I could document each occasion, keep my house in order, work full time, coach cheer, raise a baby and an adolescent and grow a person in my belly it just doesn't happen. Ya know what? I'm okay with that! Gone are the days of worrying about getting every little thing done! I'm livin baby!!!

Jake is now officially 10 months old! This big ole boy is going everywhere and getting into everything. He has two teeth, loves regular food and wants to taste everything. He even likes lemons.... Who would have thought! He is crawling, pulling himself up on furniture, kneeling while pushing his truck.... On top of that his baby looks are slowly shedding and this toddler is emerging. I can't keep up! In addition, my belly is getting bigger by the day and Jaker Poozle weighs way too much for me to lug around. I often joke that when his little sister comes; I am going to have to duct tape him to a chair just so I can shower. Some of you actually know I'm capable of doing that!

Maddie’s summer is almost over, with school starting back up in August and Bengal Cheer madness beginning July 27th we are trying to fit in a couple of fun trips to the water park and maybe a few more camping trips before football games take up our Saturdays. She is ever the 10 year old. She loves being on the computer and playing her Nintendo DS. She watches too much TV and wants to be paid for doing household chores….. Oh what fun the teenage years will be. Really though she is a great kiddo.

Here are a couple of pictures from our recent adventures (4th of July, Clear Lake, Camping at Dillon Beach on Memorial Day and Cheer Camp), Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ultrasound results....

It's a girl! Yes one... :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" BUT

The essential question is not, "How busy are you?" but "What are you busy at?" "Are you doing what fulfills you?" Oprah Winfrey

Okay so I was really bad about posts for the month of May…… The Link Family has been busy! Here is a bit of a refresher as to what is new with us.

Memorial Day Weekend we went camping with a few friends and their kids to Lawson’s Landing at Dillon Beach. We went crabbing and caught Dungeness crab, ate fresh raw and bbq’d Oysters sold to us by the truck that visits from the nearby Oyster farm, dug up giant Clams and made campfire Manhattan Clam Chowder, went sledding down the sand dunes, flew kites and played in the sand. This was also Jake’s first camping trip! Although the beach is always a little chilly and windy we had a great time and I think camping suits us all well! Pics to follow soon!

Maddie’s last day of school was June 5th! My little Miss Maddie is now a bona fide 5th grader….. I have to say I am proud but not pleased; only because she is growing up too fast! During the last week of school Maddie was recognized for a tremendous effort during her last trimester to improve her grades. The teacher pulled her in front of the whole school to praise her! She received the Bug Award for her efforts to improve her grades which led to her 3.4 GPA Honor Roll Award! Way to Go Maditude! In addition, Maddie worked very hard throughout the year reading tons of books to meet her Accelerated Reading Goal which she surpassed! I knew she had it in her, Maddie is awesome. Last trimester her teacher and I buckled down on her after her grades slipped, she is too smart to be a C student! I am so proud that my girl is so smart and motivated!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh high drama, kicks, flips and chants…. Oh yes! The Bengal cheer season is upon us yet again. Although we did not participate last year, due to the pregnancy conflicting with competition (located in Sunny Florida), we have jumped back in feet first to the Bengal madness. This pregnancy will also conflict with our Bengal functions but thankfully our competitions (furthest would be Las Vegas) and games are much closer in distance since the Bengals joined a different regulating authority. I will be the team mom and will help to coach this year in any way I can. Many pictures and stories to come I am sure of it!

My pregnancy is going well. I think I have been pregnant so long that I barely even notice it. I am exhausted every day but I am so blessed I have nothing to complain about. We go in for our ultrasound on June 15th…… Will we be welcoming a boy or a girl? Stay tuned…….

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Black and White Photography

Here are some pics I took yesterday, as you can see Jake is finally sitting up on his own! He is good for a little while but falls fast!

It was sooo cute, look at his facial expressions. I am not quite sure he was digging the feel of the grass on his little leggies!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Blessings of generosity!

Grandma Wakefield is soooooo creative! Look at the beautiful blankets she made us. We love our Easter gifts!


Maddie and Jake

First dip in the pool!

When we got back from our sweltering trip to the Academy of Science we were ready to cool off! Here are a couple of pics from our first dip in the pool!