Alright, so I am not what you would call a "treky". To tell you the truth, I don't even know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.... I was trying to find a good quote to sum up how I am feeling about time and stumbled upon this awesome quote or shall I say line from the movie Star Trek. I like it so much that I am sticking with it. Maybe I should rent Star Trek. Who knows maybe I am treky at heart?
Anyway! Time...It moves too fast these days to keep up with my blog. I am living a wonderful life and the memories I am making while failing to record them are worth the expense. While I wish I could document each occasion, keep my house in order, work full time, coach cheer, raise a baby and an adolescent and grow a person in my belly it just doesn't happen. Ya know what? I'm okay with that! Gone are the days of worrying about getting every little thing done! I'm livin baby!!!
Jake is now officially 10 months old! This big ole boy is going everywhere and getting into everything. He has two teeth, loves regular food and wants to taste everything. He even likes lemons.... Who would have thought! He is crawling, pulling himself up on furniture, kneeling while pushing his truck.... On top of that his baby looks are slowly shedding and this toddler is emerging. I can't keep up! In addition, my belly is getting bigger by the day and Jaker Poozle weighs way too much for me to lug around. I often joke that when his little sister comes; I am going to have to duct tape him to a chair just so I can shower. Some of you actually know I'm capable of doing that!
Maddie’s summer is almost over, with school starting back up in August and Bengal Cheer madness beginning July 27th we are trying to fit in a couple of fun trips to the water park and maybe a few more camping trips before football games take up our Saturdays. She is ever the 10 year old. She loves being on the computer and playing her Nintendo DS. She watches too much TV and wants to be paid for doing household chores….. Oh what fun the teenage years will be. Really though she is a great kiddo.
Here are a couple of pictures from our recent adventures (4th of July, Clear Lake, Camping at Dillon Beach on Memorial Day and Cheer Camp), Enjoy!